Koko Paranteau

the smartest dumbass you'll ever hire 

the smartest dumbass you'll ever hire 

Hello! Apologies for the body sushi, but since I have no boss, I decided to (try) to write a sincere depiction of the person on the other side of our emails. I’m goofy, giddy, unserious, quick, with a long fuse. I love creating light-hearted content while swerving the dreaded influencer voice (my “hey guys” are just too high-pitched), working with brands I use in my kitchen, and collaborating on unexpected, inventive recipes doom-scrollers want to cook, not just look at.

With that said, in my time on earth I’ve caused hurt, uncomfortable moments, made bad jokes and so many other memories that haunt my dreams. I hope I never embarrass myself again, pick up every time my mom calls me, and nail every song I karaoke. Admittedly the chances of all that are slim, but I hope you’ll still like online knowing me.